Shamefully enough, this story came from a gym that I run. In fact, I am so stunned by what happened--I am still at a loss on what to do. But it reminded me to let you guys know how important it is that you ask your trainer the correct questions.
One of my trainers asked me for "a spot" on a bench press. I was busy, but I don't want anyone to get hurt--so I obliged.
While he was 'lifting', I noticed that his form was all messed up. In fact, it was so bad, I thought he was going to hurt himself--let alone actually get something out of the exercise.
After his set I suggested some things he could do to make the left more efficient and he said to me "I am doing it like that on purpose. I know what I am doing..."
Oh really?
He actually got defensive and I realized that it was probably just a pride thing with him so I shut up and watched him lift again--and sure enough it was totally wrong. He claimed that it was a technique designed specifically for his sport....
Now I was worried. Because this guy is in my gym, training people that are paying money to be trained correctly and he can't even lift correctly himself. So now I have to go and double check his qualifications---
The point is that even someone who LOOKS like he is in shape might not be qualified to teach someone else and pretty much anyone with $500 can get certified to "teach fitness"---but they are likely not qualified to answer your questions or actually do anything SPECIFIC for you. Sure they can follow along with their what their 'test' told them to do--but can they help YOU?
If your trainer doesn't tell you WHY you are doing something--or worse if you ask them and they don't know--run like heck. Only use trainers that have EDUCATION and not just CERTIFICATION---any schmoe can tell you where your deltoids are--but you need to be with someone who knows what the deltoids (or any muscle group) are FOR and how they work.
When it comes to golf, don't trust just any trainer--make sure they have knowledge of the game so that they know how the exercises will affect your ability to play. It's called functional training---make sure they have that knowledge base.
That is why you need me!...LOL I will always tell you why we are doing things and how you can accomplish the same goals at home--afterall, I consider each and every one of my clients to be a walking billboard of my I need you to get results and be happy!
Have a great day. It's snowing as I type this but I am going to assume that I am simply having a nightmare and all will be well for my noon tee time on Saturday!