Well--It's official. My usual golf channel fixation, THE BIG BREAK is not on right now so leave it to them to keep me interested with the introduction of "THE HANEY PROJECT"---
And who better to start the (what I hope will be a continuing) series than Charles Barkley!
I have watched in horror over the past 10 years as Sir Charles swing crumbled and his weight ballooned--and Hank Haney is just the man to save him.
The show is well produced and edited. Though I would love to see a little more "Charles" personality--it seems like the producers might be holding back a little...YOU HAVE to think that WAY more silliness went on behind the scenes---This might be an effort to make it look like Haney is SUPER serious about this endeavor--and that's ok. But I hope that future episodes have a little more fun to them.
That said, it's interesting to see how HARD Charles is willing to work on his swing AND his fitness level. As a trainer, I would LOVE the opportunity to help someone that is having weight issues and genuinely WANTS the help--And Charles certainly seems sincere.
On another note--there is a HUGE part of me that really feels sorry for Charles when he has to go on talk shows to promote the show and everyone just falls apart laughing. I know that in the grand scheme of things, a bizarre golf swing is not a major problem for the world--but the man obviously LOVES the game so much--and his obviously in some mental anguish--and now to have to re-hash it over and over for the chuckles of some of these 'superior' golf talk show people--it's kind of humiliating.
But the guy put in the work--and we can see the changes---In fact, just look at his weight come down! It's really inspiring--I hope people will watch the show so we can see who get's fixed next year--
Now if only there was someone that could fix John Daly--now THAT would be a show!